Light a Candle

At the end of every week of camp, we hold a final campfire and candle lighting ceremony for our campers, volunteers and staff, to remember and honor the people in their lives who have died.

With the pandemic of grief we are facing in our world, we created this space for everyone in our community to pause, reflect, and virtually light a candle for someone you have lost.

Campers and volunteers around a campfire

Judy Pucci

Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you and miss you. Thankfully we need not look further than in the eyes of our three children, your granddaughters to see the light you brought into our lives.

Florent Moriya

Although our time together was short, I am a better person for having known you. Your light continues to guide me and bring me comfort. I remain your adoring little sister and light this candle with all my love in your honor.

Jean Bailey

Thank you Jean for taking care of me when I was young. You were a very special person and spending time at your house is one of my favourite childhood memories.

Light a Candle for Your Person