We talk about camp being the “intersection of joy and grief,” a place where our campers can feel all the feels, sometimes in one afternoon. This summer was no different, and there were endless moments of laughter, navigating grief, and big surprises (the good kind). So it was impossible to pick our “Top 10 Favorite Camp Moments,” but when have we ever let impossible stop us before? So here we go…
- #1: The moment our first campers of the summer arrived in Georgia.
- #2: The LIT (Leaders in Training) boys in Georgia showcase their built-by-hand bench that supports others.
- #3: The impromptu water extravaganza at Experience Camps in California, where temps were blazing hot.
- #4: A surprise visit from Elvis to help make the best milkshakes in all of California (the ice cream was all shook up).
- #5: An epic silent (you heard that right) disco that got our whole camp groovin’.
- #6: Spontaneous dance party to “Cotton-Eye Joe” at our Pennsylvania camp.
- #7: Staff surprises our campers in Maine by flying in on a helicopter to announce “College League.”
- #8: Our girls in Maine decide to turn our ring-toss flamingoes into ultra chic hats.
- #9: Walking the red carpet with our camp family in Michigan.
- And #10: That time when the bus broke down on the way home, which quickly became a “staff appreciation party.”
The CalEx girls fashion show! So much fun this year!
The PenEx was so much fun this year! Bunk C rocks! <3
The PenEx Bunk C rocks! <3