An Inside Look at the #BestWeekEver!

Each year we think “If more people could experience the magic of camp firsthand, they’d understand what makes it so special!” You’d see a new kid step off of the bus, maybe a little nervous and shy, standing up just a few days later and openly sharing his whole heart. You’d see the relief campers feel when they speak about their grief among a community of individuals who “get it.” You’d also feel the joy they experience in a setting that is grounded in play, nature, and friendship.

That’s why we created “Inside the #BestWeekEver”

This is a way for you to get as close to a firsthand experience as possible to our camp programs with no need to pack, get on a bus, or apply bug spray. For five days in a row, founder and CEO Sara Deren wrote a nightly camp update for our community from our brand new Maryland location and shared photos of what happened that day.

Ever wondered what a day in the life of our campers looks like? This is your chance to get an insider’s look into the #bestweekever!


Kids welcome new camper with high five