Gratitude Jars


  • Find an unused jar, shoebox, or another container around the house. 

  • If you’d like, decorate the outside in any way you would like.  You can get creative with arts and crafts materials you have around the house (glitter, tissue paper etc.) or you can use magazine clippings and Mod Podge on a jar.  

  • Fill your jar with reminders of the things you are grateful for. You can add pictures if you like, or simply write down your reflections on a piece of paper. 

  • Spend a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day reflecting on things you are grateful for, big or small. 

Talking points / tips

  • Gratitude is contagious and is linked to physical, mental, and social benefits! Each day, share one thing you are grateful for with a friend or family member.


  • Glass jar (if you don’t have a glass jar at home you can get creative and use an empty coffee canister or oatmeal container or shoebox)
  • Strips of paper
  • Newspaper or magazines
  • Mod podge (add water to glue to make it easier to collage if you don’t have Mod Podge at home)