Draw a heart on a blank piece of paper or cardstock that takes up a decent portion of the paper.
Take some time reviewing the emotion color wheel. Reflect silently or discuss with someone you trust the connections between certain emotions and colors.
Play some calming music and spend time silently coloring in your heart to illustrate the range of emotions you might be feeling that day. The amount of space you use for each color can reflect the amount of space that emotion is taking up in your heart that day.
Reuse this activity as often as you’d like.
If you complete this activity multiple times, compare each attempt, and think about the way your emotions have changed or shifted over time.
The emotion color wheel is just a prompt. The connections between colors and emotions may not ring true for you. Feel free to follow your own creative spirit and make your own connections!
Blank paper or cardstock
Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
Emotion color wheel